Biodiversity, DNA Barcoding, DNA Taxonomy, Methodology, Phylogenetic, Taxonomy

The minimum sample size for DNA Barcoding

We recently published a paper on the minimum sample size in DNA Barcoding in the journal Ecology and Evolution (doi: 10.1002/ece3.1846). It tried to use simulated datasets to examine the effects of sample size on four estimators of genetic diversity, mismatch distribution, nucleotide diversity, the number of haplotypes, and maximum pairwise distance. As found by the previous project by Ai-Bing ZHANG et al. (2010, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.09.014), this project confirms again that larger sample size helps to find the better results from DNA Barcoding. Besides, we found the minimum sample size of 20 individuals is required for each subsample.

Dr A-Rong LUO led the project. She collaborated with researchers and student in Yunnan University, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Capital Normal University and University of Sydney. Mr. Hai-Qiang LAN, the joint graduate student between Yunnan University of Finance and Economics and Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences finished his thesis during the project. The project was mainly supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, China, and partially supported by the Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China.

我们最近在Ecology and Evolution上发表了一篇论文,研究了DNA Barcoding的最小取样量问题(doi: 10.1002/ece3.1846)。该工作用模拟数据,对错配分布、核苷酸多样性、单倍型数量和最大配对距离等四个遗传多样性的取样量效应进行了比较分析。和张爱兵等(2010, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.09.014)发现的一样,我们发现取样量越大,DNA Barcoding的结果越好;同时,我们的结果发现每个亚群取样量至少为21个个体。


Luo, A., Lan, H., Ling, C., Zhang, A., Shi, L., Ho, S. Y. W. and Zhu, C. (2015), A simulation study of sample size for DNA barcoding. Ecol Evol, 5: 5869–5879. doi:10.1002/ece3.1846

English Abstract:

For some groups of organisms, DNA barcoding can provide a useful tool in taxonomy, evolutionary biology, and biodiversity assessment. However, the efficacy of DNA barcoding depends on the degree of sampling per species, because a large enough sample size is needed to provide a reliable estimate of genetic polymorphism and for delimiting species. We used a simulation approach to examine the effects of sample size on four estimators of genetic polymorphism related to DNA barcoding: mismatch distribution, nucleotide diversity, the number of haplotypes, and maximum pairwise distance. Our results showed that mismatch distributions derived from subsamples of ≥20 individuals usually bore a close resemblance to that of the full dataset. Estimates of nucleotide diversity from subsamples of ≥20 individuals tended to be bell-shaped around that of the full dataset, whereas estimates from smaller subsamples were not. As expected, greater sampling generally led to an increase in the number of haplotypes. We also found that subsamples of ≥20 individuals allowed a good estimate of the maximum pairwise distance of the full dataset, while smaller ones were associated with a high probability of underestimation. Overall, our study confirms the expectation that larger samples are beneficial for the efficacy of DNA barcoding and suggests that a minimum sample size of 20 individuals is needed in practice for each population.



Biodiversity, Collaboration, Fellowship/Scholarship/Studentship, Phylogenetic, 未分类

Congratulations to Robert Dudley and Raphael Didham for their PIFI Professorship

Robert Dudley、Raphael Didham两位教授获得PIFI访问项目资助


Robert Dudley教授

他是世界知名的整合生物学学者,在动物飞行等多个领域做出了一系列开创性的成果。近年来,我课题组和Robert Dudley教授在昆虫飞行分析方面开展合作;古脊椎所徐星研究员和他在早期鸟类及其恐龙近亲飞行行为演化等研究方向开展了探讨与合作,在美国《科学》杂志上发表了一篇有关用整合手段探讨鸟类起源研究的综述文章,预计能够对这一学科的未来发展方向产生好的影响。

我研究组计划和Robert Dudley教授合作,在昆虫飞行分析研究方向展开更多工作,有望在蜜蜂飞行起源等方向取得一批重要成果。

Raphael Didham教授


Raphael Didham教授是世界知名的学者,在昆虫物种多样性、物种保护、群落生态学等多个领域做出了一系列重要的成果。近年来,我研究组和Raphael教授计划以野生蜜蜂物种多样性和中国昆虫多样性监测网络监测为重点开展合作,预计能够对这一学科的未来发展方向产生好的影响。

本文引用地址:  此文来自科学网朱朝东博客,转载请注明出处。

Phylogenetic, 未分类

Virtual Workshop on Phylogenetics via the QQ group (283300826)

I have been interested in phylogenetics since 1993 after I read the first book, Numerical Taxonomy by Sokal & Sneath and tried the first software, Hennig86 by Farris. Those days, students, especially those from the developing countries can only learn advances from journal papers, which was far behind the publication dates. Now, new comers on phylogenetics are raising even more questions when they try to learn and use to tackle something. It’s nice to discuss these questions or chat on skills by organizing workshops. However, internet, especially the social networking softwares provide other wiser options.

In China, together with some other colleagues and students, I set up the QQ group on phylogenetics. Now, more than 500 scholars and degree students joined the group and made it very active to exchange ideas on-line.

With more and more young students and scholars in the group, we invite some senior researchers from all over the world for capacity building on phylogenetics in China. Certainly, there might be argument on specific topics. However, arguments with new evidences will lead to new advancement.

Welcome to join us at QQ group: 283300826 and contribute to phylogenetics! If you are new to QQ, please visit to download the software.

Chao-Dong ZHU

Ph.D., Prof.
